Tuesday, May 19, 2009

****The *MAGIC* six week mark****

We have made that *magic* six week mark third time (and last time) around with a newborn in the house. I'm feeling great. Had my six week check up today and my tummy muscles have almost completely meshed together which means NO OPERATION!!!! yeah!! I have to wear my belly band thing for another 4 weeks and get my muscles checked in 3 months. Nate had his 6 week pead check up and he is all good too!! He marked his 6 weeks with a gift for us all.
He started smiling at 4 weeks but now we see it almost daily. He cracks the kids up with his cheeky smiles. It was kinda sad to say goodbye to Dr Vilaseri Tuicolo today, after he has looked after me through 3 pregnancies. I got photos of him with the kids for Nate's journal which one day I will get time to do. Dominic has started to toilet train and is already trained for nights but not for days. He tells me as its running down his legs at the moment but we are getting there. He sleeps all night without an accident and goes to the toilet first thing in the morning. Dominic has also blessed me with his first "boy bug" moment. I came home last night to a gecko in an insect catcher and he was very excited to show me, before we let his little friend go again outside. LOL. All these moments I have to look forward to with two boys in the house!!!!

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