Monday, March 16, 2009


Well from one black friday to the next we have been blessed!!!!! Firstly, a HUGE HUGE thankyou to my Mum and Col for helping with the food in our house. Those groceries that kept jumping into your trolley or out of your pantry have kept us well fed for four weeks. Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou! Also to Mum for all the extra bits for Bub and me that I would normally buy each week up to the birth (breastpads, baby wash etc) Thankyou!! To my wonderful friend Jodie for shouting me a baby shower. It was an awesome day!! Thanks heaps. To Katherine and Mum T for my belly mask kit for my birthday which was signed by everyone at the baby shower. To my wonderful family and friends whom gave us all the pressies at the baby shower. I told you that day how blessed and thankful we are for everything we got (5 boxes of newborn nappies, muslin wraps, winter clothes, blanket etc) because these things we just could not afford to buy for our baby boy. To Colin's Mum and Dad for helping keep our cars on the road and running. Thankyou so much!!! and for the odd babysitting when Col found a job. YES, Col found a job (only just started this week).............................. 5 month contract driving a semi-trailer or deisel mechanicing for the company upgrading the highway between Uhlmann Rd and Boundary Rd. Paying not quite as much as his last job but its a JOB...................not sure what will happen in 5 months time but we are praying it may lead to something else. His new boss is family orientated and is happy for Col to leave when he needs to, to be by my side. We also are selling our ride-on mower and hoping to get a good price for that. We were blessed last week with Kevin Rudd's money coming through which has paid some very overdue bills. We were blessed that our bank deferred our mortgage for two months and we don't need to pay our normal payments until April. Secretly, we may be blessed from Col's old work if his application to Geers is successful, we may see some sort of redundancy package but that is VERY up in the air at this stage.
This last month has shown me how amazing people can be. How amazing people that you owe bills to can be soooo lenient and helpful when you are in financial hardship. How amazing our family and friends are to come to our side and offer support, love, a phone call to check on us, photo shoot (thanks Suzanne), needed goods etc. How amazing my husband is who spent his time at home doing all the much needed jobs to do before bub arrives and constantly looking for work. He was also an awesome help with the kids!! I honestly believe that God gave Colin's time to me for the last 4 weeks to help with the kids because I have been in excrutiating pelvic pain with this pregnancy the last 4 weeks. How amazing my kids are to not care that we didn't have the "extras" in the last 4 weeks - no chips, flavoured milk poppers, no take-away, no fancy bikkies they love, no choc custard (not that they have them regularly but when they asked and I said no we have no money this week - they were happy with that and loved their time with Daddy home)..... How amazingingly calm God has kept me through all this, giving me the feeling of peace that everything was ok................... NOW I just want us to use Col's wage to get back on top before the mortgage kicks in next month. And to finally welcome this beautiful baby boy into our life (hopefully before my birthday) LOL